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Collections Services

What Makes TSA the Best Choice? 

TSA offers a complete range of pre-collection, collection and legal services.  But truthfully, so do other collections agencies.  However, there are several reasons for our well-earned reputation of professionalism, integrity and results that others simply can’t match.

It starts with our level of customer service and is carried through by using advanced industry technologies.  But perhaps more than anything else, it’s about our people — the great team members who dedicate their time and bring a sense of true professionalism to the collections industry.

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Collection & Legal Services

These accounts are strategically handled by TSA’s trained telephone collection specialists.  A series of call campaigns and notices are placed to the consumer stressing the importance of paying their debt.

If the debt remains unpaid and when authorized by the client and warranted by the consumer’s assets, TSA will pursue legal action.  TSA pays all attorney fees and filing fees in order to obtain a judgment.

Pre-Collection Services

TSA notifies the consumer through one or two notices stating the urgency of clearing the debt before transferring the account to regular collections.  Notice is given to the consumer that if the account is paid, it will not be placed on their credit file.

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Letter & Call Services

TSA sends a letter to the consumer and follows up by telephone, both emphasizing the importance of payment on the account and a final chance to satisfy the account before it goes to regular collections.

Memberships & Accreditations

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